The second BalkanSpa Summit was perfectly organized, which resulted in a larger number of participants from the Balkans, but also from other European countries. The Association of Spas of Turkey (TURKSPA) and Prof. Karagulle did a great job for the future of BalkanSpa Summit!
At this Summit, the custom was introduced for the host country to present its potential in health tourism. Another custom is to organize a national evening with national music and food on the first day of the Summit. An ideal way to get to know each other better!
That’s how it was done in the plenums in the morning, and in the afternoon, we went on excursions. This Summit is very significant because of many decisions that determined the future path of our Summit.
First of all, we established the Organizing Committee, which consisted of Turkey, Bulgaria and Serbia. Second, we formed expert commissions that had the task of expertly preparing each subsequent Summit. From those commissions, four centers were later formed as part of the future BalkanSpa Institute.