BalkanSpa Summit mission and goals

Balkan countries have a very strong common tradition and culture of spas and health resorts. On the other hand, they have always been tightly connected politically and geographically. So, starting from these points and sharing the idea with our Balkan colleagues, the BalkanSpa Summit has appeared as a need and necessity. And we all believed from the start that the BalkanSpa Summit can play an important role in the development of Balkan spa industry in general.
On the previous five BalkanSpa Summits, in Bulgaria, Turkey, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, we have done a lot, maybe more than we expected, when we started to write a new, fascinating, and unique story about Balkan spas, 13 years ago. Every year the number of participants was larger, we established a BalkanSpa Summit with four expert centers. There are few examples in which enthusiasm of serious people gives such serious, plausible and sustainable results.
Our mission is to collect all of the common ethnic components of the Balkan countries (traditions, culture, gastronomy, music, customs, and certificates tumultuous history) by profiling them, use it for the definition, creation and promotion of new tourist product in Europe – Balkan Spas. We will succeed if we follow all the quality programs of relaxation, prevention, and rehabilitation in our spas, “packed” in an authentic and intriguing tourist package, and show the rest of the world why we are unique. And why we are together.
We must be together, to do more! Doctors, experts of tourism, economists, architects, suppliers of equipment, and cosmetics, we are all part of the same story which can be written only if we are together! Stories about us, about the Balkan and his its values. Your participation at the BalkanSpa Summit is therefore, significant and valuable, even necessary.
Welcome to BalkanSpa Summit!
Significant decisions of the 2nd BalkanSpa Summit (Češme, Turkey) – To form Organizing Committee and four expert centers!
From left: Stanimir Stankov (Bulgaria), Prof dr Zeki Mufit Karagulle (Turkey) & Vladan Veskovic (Serbia)
Experts about BalkanSpa Summit

After being established in 2010 BalkanSpa Summit has been organized annually in Bulgaria (2011), Turkey (2012), Serbia (2013), Croatia (2014) and Slovenia (2015) successfully. While the summit was based on common spa tradition and aimed to establish new collaborations in the BalkanSpa sector, it also enabled representatives to introduce their innovative ideas and concepts. As a result, it was seen that similar challenges are emphasized and similar issues are faced to be overcome, and in short, almost the same spa language is spoken. BalkanSpa brand is already ready to be created by the shared strong spa and wellness traditions of Balkans.
Now, after a “short break” we are excited and delighted that BalkanSpa Summit is going to be live again by Serbian Spa Association initiative and (re)organized in October 2023. The Serbian colleagues set the main goal of making the Balkan Spa Summit not only a unique event, but also an event with new content, the “BalkanSpa Summit Award”. Thus, the continuity of the summits will open the way to a common BalkanSpa future and lead to the creation of the BalkanSpa Brand.
Good luck!

Vladan Vešković, Secretary General at Serbian Spa Association, does this excellently in his country, and as a co-creator of the Balkan Spa Summit, he is constantly engaged in international networking of spa industry professionals. Standardization of services, internationalization of health tourism, positioning on the global market, human resources management, environmental protection - these are just some of the challenges that spa destinations face today.
The Balkan Spa Summit is a networking format for spa industry professionals recognized far beyond the Balkan area, and I congratulate Vladan and his team for agreeing to organize the meeting in Serbia in October 2023. .
I look forward to our meeting!